The Big Paradigm Shift


Clarity Fam,

It's great to see you in 2023! There is so much great energy around the new year. A fresh start. A chance to cut ties with the challenges and mistakes and get moving on those things you really wanted to do, uninhibited by the baggage.

I've surely had mixed success with new year's resolutions so I've stopped making them, but I haven't stopped using the turn of the new year as a chance to boost meaningful change in my life.

Today I talk about shifting the paradigm of how we look at things in a way that helps us do the things we want to be doing. A mindset shift that might just work.

I get into it in the episode, but for now, make the decision with me to pursue more clarity in 2023 than ever before!


PS: Here is a link to the "Tonight Show" style event  me and the team at ASOTU put on in Nashville that I mentioned in the episode.