How Do You Know If You’re “Being Sold?”


This week I pose the question: “What’s more valuable: what you sell or how people feel about what you sell?” I also get fired up about the incredible conflict of interest in some ad models and relive a story from my honeymoon involving some really pushy timeshare salesmen.  Just another week on the show! 

One of the ideas that’s been fascinating me lately is the fact that innovation is really a combination of courage and foresight. It’s a real mix of being willing to do something that you don’t fully have the data to support, but have the instinct of knowing it is worth doing. 

Once the proof is available, then more people will do it and hence, the competitive advantage is lost. This opens up the field for the next person willing to be courageous and insightful enough to innovate again. And around and around it goes. 

Thinking back to last week’s episode, doing the things you are ‘supposed’ to do will never send you down this path. So get out there, be courageous and dig deep for insights that will spur innovation. Do something you’re not supposed to do and you’ll be one step closer to the discovery all of us need you to make! 

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