Is Your Business As Agile As Your Mind? (Guest: Dr. Nicole Lipkin)


Is mental agility the new indicator of how successful a leader or organization will be? Maybe so. You may think of “mental agility” as the ability to switch tasks quickly or, to use a trendy word ‘pivot’. However, this week's guest, Dr. Nicole Lipkin, brings the focus to something I believe to be more potent.

She defines mental agility as working to adopt a mindset and approach that is as open to change as possible. I believe this to be a rational approach, mainly because the inability to be agile or flexible is what actually gets us stuck.

The hardwiring in our brains is literally designed to maintain equilibrium. It is natural to resist mental agility. So, the good news is that it’s not your fault. You can’t control nature. However, we can significantly improve our mental agility with some good, old fashioned self-awareness.

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