The Basics of Choosing Your Team


It’s Fall time friends, and there’s just something about this season that motivates me to make meaningful change. In my career, there has been nothing more influential than the ability (or inability) to make meaningful change to the team that I surround myself with. 

Over the course of the last two decades I have worked with countless teams. Mainly, teams on which I had significant say or influence over who was on them. Since I really care about people, the thought of choosing who gets to be on or off the team has been a combination of joy, stress, sadness, excitement, perseverance, and responsibility all rolled into one.

The right team will rocket morale and motivation to succeed. The wrong team will burn like an underground fire until your organization is consumed.

I know I’m not alone! Unfortunately, there are no magic bullets in choosing your team, but there are some guiding principles I’ve learned and deploy regularly which remain my “north star” during tough decisions. Like any guiding principle, they always serve us best when our emotions could easily hijack our reason. 

I hope this episode helps you and anyone you share it with surround yourself with a winning team who brings you (and them) success and fulfillment in whatever you take on! 

I’m grateful to be on YOUR TEAM.

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